Jyut Dictionary

A free, open-source, offline Cantonese dictionary for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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Search and view translations for Cantonese


Search over 300,000 words and expressions just by typing. Use traditional or simplified Chinese, Jyutping, Pinyin, or English!


View traditional and simplified forms, pronunciations in Jyutping, Yale, Pinyin, or Bopomofo, parts of speech, and example sentences from ten different sources.


Don't know how something is pronounced? Hear your computer say it in Cantonese or Mandarin by clicking the speaker icon!

Search CC-CEDICT, CC-CANTO, words.hk, Unihan, and more using Jyutping

Explore idiomatic Cantonese phrases

Featuring CC-CEDICT, CC-CANTO, words.hk 粵典, Wiktionary, Kaifangcidian, 兩岸三地生活差異詞語彙編, HSK 3.0 tags, and the Unihan database. With these eight sources, you'll find over 700,000 definitions in English, Cantonese, and Standard Written Chinese. You can also augment the application with CFDICT, HanDeDict, and the Ministry of Education dictionaries for even more languages and definitions!

View examples written by native speakers

Equipped with examples from Tatoeba, Wiktionary, and words.hk 粵典, you'll be able to search over 150,000 examples for words that you've looked up! On Windows and macOS, you can also listen to words and phrases to better understand how they are pronounced.

View sentences in Cantonese and Mandarin with their definitions from Tatoeba and other sources


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Download for Windows

For advanced users, other versions are also available.


Download for Mac

For advanced users, a portable version is also available.


Download AppImage

For advanced users on Debian-based distros, a .deb is available. You'll need to have Qt 5.15 installed.

Optional Add-Ons

More dictionaries can be downloaded for Jyut Dictionary if you want them, but are not required! Files are organized alphabetically under each category.

Dictionaries marked with a * are already included by default with a Jyut Dictionary install.